Friday, 28 December 2012

hug me tight and never let me go

it's always all about you

i read
i heard
i witness

i do not know what to do
i love you

what about you?

i hate words from you that hurt me
i hate the gentle touch on my hair of yours that makes me forgive you

i hate misunderstanding and miscommunication between us cause you have no time for me
i hate the breathless hug from you that reminds me of how close our hearts are

i hate listen to the lady telling me "the person you call is unavailable at the moment... ..."
i hate the three simple words "i miss you" of yours that makes me forget how furious I was

what's hiding beneath that long hair and stubborn skullcap of yours?

Sunday, 9 December 2012


后来才发现 如果能忘记你 可能也是一种幸福
这样可能很没志气 因为爱不起而选择忘记

罢下以前的拐弯抹角 直截了当 当面问你 你依旧吊儿郎当
希望自己会画画 把自己的心画出来 文字的极限 使感觉好无助

喜欢那不道德 因为那是我们之间的唯一
唯一的时刻 让觉得你,要,我。
唯一的不是多余 不是负担

话说 曾经也是唯一的属于你我

小气 戏剧化 祸水 烦恼 无能

才发现 自己真的不能抽烟 因为定力太差
有多少次狠狠地掉头 却在三秒之后狼狈地回去
也难怪你不珍惜 因为不需要珍惜
